Denise Gosnell

Denise Gosnell

Dr. Denise Gosnell’s passion for examining, applying, and evangelizing the applications of graph data was ignited during her apprenticeship under Dr. Teresa Haynes and Dr. Debra Knisley during her first NSF Fellowship. This group’s work was one of the earliest applications of neural networks and graph theoretic structure in predictive computational biology. Since then, Dr….

Matthias Broecheler

Matthias Broecheler

Dr. Matthias Broecheler is a technologist and entrepreneur with substantial research and development experience who is focused on disruptive software technologies and understanding complex systems. Dr. Broecheler is known as an industry expert in graph databases, relational machine learning, and big data analysis in general. He is a practitioner of lean methodologies and experimentation to…

Denis Streitmatter

Denis Streitmatter

Denis Streitmatter is a research assistant at the KILT/AKSW research group and the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI). He has been studying computer science at Leipzig University since 2016. Additionally, he has been working on DBpedia-related projects for a few years and was involved in the design and implementation of the DBpedia REST API and…

Marvin Hofer

Marvin Hofer

Marvin Hofer is a research assistant at the KILT/AKSW research group and the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI). Furthermore, he was part of the DBpedia project for several years and was involved in designing DBpedia FlexiFusion, global.dbpedia.org, the new DBpedia release cycle, and currently Databus Mods.His main research interests focus on data fusion, distributed data…

Peter Rose

Peter Rose

Dr. Rose is Director of the Structural Bioinformatics Lab and Lead, Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)/UC San Diego. Prior to joining UCSD, he held research and management positions at Pfizer La Jolla, formerly Agouron Pharmaceuticals, where he was instrumental in the establishment of the structure-based drug design platform. He…

Justin Zhen

Justin Zhen

Justin is a Co-Founder of Thinknum, a leading alternative data company specializing in web-crawled data. At Thinknum, Justin works with hundreds of investment firms, banks and corporations to develop innovative data sources which provide new insights into economic activity moving online. Prior to founding Thinknum, Justin worked at a quantitative hedge fund. He graduated from…

Stefan Plantikow

Stefan Plantikow

Stefan Plantikow is the ISO Project Lead/Editor for the next generation declarative Graph Query Language GQL (ISO/IEC 39075). He works as a Language Designer and Standards expert in Neo4j’s Query Language Standards and Research team. Before GQL, he played key roles in the design of the Cypher graph query language, the openCypher project, the development…