Michael Havey

Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Biography Mike Havey is a Solutions Architect for AWS with over 25 years of experience building enterprise applications. Mike is the author of two books and numerous articles. Visit his Amazon author page to read more. Talks and Events “Multi” Model – An Ontology For Every DB on the Truck…

Michael Miller

Northrop Grumman Corporation Cognitive Software Engineer Biography Michael Miller conducts research for Northrop Grumman as a Cognitive Software Engineer. He is leading the Digital Innovation Team’s efforts to mobilize unstructured data from within technical documents. Michael pulls knowledge from a diverse set of experiences in the aerospace and defense industry, including simulation, systems, and software…

Ryan Wright

thatDot Founder & CEO Biography Ryan Wright is the creator of Quine, and has been leading software teams focused on data infrastructure and data science for two decades. He has served as principal engineer, director of engineering, principal investigator on DARPA-funded research programs, and is currently the founder and CEO of thatDot—the company supporting the…

Joshua Shinavier

Joshua Shinavier

Joshua is a researcher and software developer who specializes in graphs and data integration. He holds a PhD in Web science from RPI’s Tetherless World Constellation, and co-founded what is now Apache TinkerPop, contributing to the first common APIs for graph databases, the RDF-based query language that preceded Gremlin, and the first tools which aligned…

Sabbir M. Rashid

Sabbir M. Rashid

Sabbir M. Rashid is a Ph.D. candidate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute working with Professor Deborah McGuinness on research related to data annotation and harmonization, ontology engineering, knowledge representation, and various forms of reasoning. Prior to attending RPI, Sabbir completed a double major at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he received B.S. degrees in both Physics and…