Michel Biezunski


Consultant, Programmer, Founder


Founder of Infoloom, a consulting and development services bureau based in New York. Co-author of the Topic Maps standard.

Talks and Events

The Missing Link in Knowledge Graphs

Graph-based technologies are appealing because they promise more flexibility than other database technologies. However, it turns out that graph-based databases still require data to be structured and are not that different from traditional databases, therefore creating disappointment for end users whose expectations are towards more flexibility. We will discuss why this disconnect exists and present technical solutions to fill the gap.

Track: Data Architecture

Session Topics:

  • Data Architecture
  • Data Management
  • Data Governance
  • Data Quality
  • Data Modeling
  • Semantic Layer
  • Data Discoverability
  • Graph Data Science
  • Content Knowledge Graphs
  • Content Management
  • Content Production using KGs
  • Metadata
  • Information Architecture